Please be informed that the International Standard Classification of all Economic Activities (hereinafter referred to as: TEÁOR) will be changed from 1 January 2025, according to the European legislation introducing the new classification of economic activities, the activities of economic organisations must be classified according to the new classification in statistical registers as of 1 January 2025. Consequently, the TEÁOR'08 nomenclature has been replaced by the new TEÁOR'25 nomenclature on the EnterHungary interface. From 1 January 2025, applications may only be submitted by entering the TEÁOR'25 code.
Using the recoding program prepared by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (abbreviation in Hungarian: KSH), it is possible to recode the 2008 TEÁOR code number(s) to the new TEÁOR'25 code number(s).
Dear Client!
Bank Transfer Payment Option: For the receipt of an application, the Directorate-General can consider transfers made only to the following bank account:10023002-00283511-02000006. Please indicate the EH (EnterHungary) case number, the name and the date of birth in the comment section. It is important for the identification of the applications that only one fee for a single case can be paid per transfer (as in the past). Insufficiently submitted applications or payments made in an unidentifiable manner shall not be considered as submitted applications by the Directorate-General – similarly to applications submitted on the EnterHungary platform.
Повідомляємо Шановних Замовників, (UKR)
Що ви звільнені від оплати збору за адміністративні послуги якщо:
This system helps you submit your application for a residence permit in Hungary electronically, without queuing. If you wish to enter Hungary or the Schengen Area from abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will help you.
You can submit your e-application as a private person or a preferred employer/temporary work agency, as well as a legal representative. You need to make a registration before submitting the first application. The registration procedure varies in the case of a
Related to the use of the website, the user guide includes a detailed description.